I moved to the Houston area in 2005 to attend Bible college, “I thought by Faith”; however, as time progressed, I discovered otherwise. Several years afterward, I found myself in a crisis. It was 2008; the economy was crashing, and I was unemployed. I had used all the money in savings, and I lost my home and needed to go to Atlanta, Georgia, to live with family.
I put my last $60.00 (to my name) in my gas tank in Birmingham, AL, on the way to Atlanta. That scenario is not uncommon, but for me, a person who always prided herself on being in charge and able to “make it happen,” it was devastating.
I lived with my son and family for four years, who eventually lost his business. During this period of emotional turmoil and anxiety, I learned to depend on God and to have faith that “all is well.” We struggled together, but God’s goodness and favor always provided for our needs. I realized the years when I thought I was “making it happen” through my job, education, and decision-making; it was Him all along. God convicted me of not trusting Him to move and providing when the outcome is unclear.
As I developed my Faith, I learned to know and understand contentment, as Paul spoke about
in Philippians 4:12.
Philippians 4 King James Version (KJV)
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Helen Pettibone & “Move The Needle Strategies” Endorsement
God knows what we need when we need it!
I went to church every Sunday and read my Bible regularly; however, I still struggled with some of life’s difficulties and needed some answers! I met the now Ministry Leader of Move The Needle Strategies, Helen Pettibone, in 2005, shortly after Hurricane Katrina. Looking back almost 18 years now, it is remarkable how God has shown me new strategies for living my Christian life.
While many people and multiple cities and states were devastated by Hurricane Katrina, I can recall facing personal turmoil. Sometimes it is difficult to face challenges head-on, especially when you are a Christian and sin (past or present) is involved in your situation.
I want to thank God and give Him all the glory for allowing Helen to come into my life to help me during those tumultuous days. I also want to thank Helen for obeying God’s call to move beyond her comfort zone. Her bold move has helped many women like myself move beyond our sometimes limited understanding of the Word of God to search for Biblical answers to those occasional difficulties we will face. Ardenna Hardy, Owner, Ferocious Faith Product Line, Inc.
Move The Needle Strategies and Ministry Leader, Helen Pettibone
What does Move “The Needle Strategies Mean?”
To change a situation to a noticeable degree that grows to maturity produces change and is transformed, producing results.
Strategies Definition:
Dictionary: A Plan, method or series of maneuvers to obtain a specific goal or result.
Biblical Context: Proverbs 16 New English Translation (NET Bible)
3 Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Mission Statement:
Move the Needle Strategies will strive to develop and teach processes that Integrate Biblical principles to encourage and inspire Christians to grow, to change and to be effective in implementing their God-given gifts and talents; in order to disciple others while honoring and serving God.
Move The Needle Strategies (MTNS):
According to MTNS Ministry Leader Helen Pettibone, we develop workshops, write articles and blog posts, teach, and integrate Biblical principles that encourage growth, change, and show our participants how to implement their God-given gifts and talents!
Invite Helen to speak to your women’s group to share her ideas on moving the needle strategies!
Call or email: (912) 996-3772 or helenpetti@aol.com
Also, find Helen on Facebook at: